Wednesday, May 25, 2016

That is not a brawl!

This whole fiasco is being completely blown out of proportion.

I get it. Those of you who hate Trudeau, REALLY hate him. If he cured cancer, obliterate poverty, and solved world hunger, you would still be whining about him being too pretty and entitled. Yes, thank you. Your vote has been counted. Now sit down.

I know you think that all those who support him are going to try and sweep it under the rug. I’m sure some people will, but that’s not everyone. So, again…sit down.

I’ll admit the first snippet of the story I heard was that Mulcair was raving like a lunatic about an elbow. My immediate thought was, “This can’t be anything worth acknowledging,” so I ignored it. But no, the media had to wind this up like it was some matter of great import. Then my Twitterfeed was flooded with this crap. So I took 15 minutes (15 minutes that I will NEVER get back, mind you) to go and read up on this issue of earth shattering importance.

After I watched the video, I thought to myself, “That’s it? That can’t be it. All this stink over that? Have these people (and I mean both the politicians and media who are freaking out over this) never been on public transit during rush hour? I take more of a bashing than that every single work day, at least twice per subway stop. Why are people acting like the PM pulled out a baseball bat and bludgeoned her to within an inch of her life?"

There were MPs using the #WeBelieveVictims hashtag on Twitter to describe this. And those who didn’t use the hashtag brought up subjects like abusive husbands and safe work environments for women AS IF THEY’RE RELATED ISSUES!! They’re likening this CLEARLY ACCIDENTAL BUMP to violence against women. Because OBVIOUSLY when you watch that video, no one is thinking, “Trudeau is going to drag Brown to the front.” No, of course not. Everyone is thinking, “Trudeau is going over there under the guise of dragging Brown to the front, but we all know that his real intent is to elbow Brosseau. What a great strategy!”

And yes, I know, when I put it like that, it does sound pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it? BECAUSE IT IS!!

So thank you, Michelle Rempel, Brigitte Sansoucy, and Niki Ashton for minimizing the sufferings of women who ACTUALLY suffered and continue to suffer from violence. Oh, and let’s not forget Brosseau’s Oscar winning performance. In hockey, there’s now a 2-minute penalty for embellishment. I’d say Brosseau has earned those 2 minutes she spent sitting outside the chamber…catching her breath from laughing so hard over this giant stink she’s created.”

So I took a deep breath and watched the video AGAIN. And again. And then I said, “ENOUGH OF THIS MADNESS!”

The PM should never have left his seat. He should not have lost his temper. And yes, Canadians do (and should) expect better behaviour from him.


I noticed that it completely escaped the notice of the anti-Trudeau contingent that several MPs were behaving like petulant children. And while Trudeau has apologized for his behaviour and everyone is discussing whether or not he should be “punished” now that he has admitted guilt (yes, I rolled my eyes as I typed that), everyone seems to be talking about it like his actions happened in isolation. They didn’t.

I expect ALL our Members of Parliament to behave better than that. I don’t only expect that from the Prime Minister.

I am honestly sick and tired of the nursery school behaviour in The House. And I’m doubly sick of the media making entire mountain ranges out of microscopic molehills. This was not a brawl. It was barely even worth acknowledging. You want to see a real parliamentary brawl? Go to YouTube and search for ‘Taiwanese parliament fight’. THAT is a brawl. And THAT happens on a regular basis in Taiwan. So unless The House starts looking like that, I don’t want to hear about this subject ever again.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Can people stop putting the suffix “gate” after every incident that they’re trying to sensationalize? Do you even know what Watergate was about? Idiots!

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